Get The Ideas: 5 Unique Proposal Ideas

Guys, with the holiday season approaching, you might be thinking of “popping” the question to your other half. We at Latino Bride and Groom want to prepare young hopefuls and give you some unique approaches to this big step. Check out some of our ideas:

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1. Sweet Serenade

Are you musically creative? Then you will enjoy serenading your sweetheart with a song written just for her. All you need is an instrument and the setting possibilities are limitless. Try her favorite coffee shop or where you first met. Afraid of singing in public? Then record yourself playing and send it to her in a video or recording. Either way, your love for her will be in the song and she’ll be sure to enjoy it.


2. Snapshot Proposal 

Arrange a surprise proposal with a street caricaturist. Have them sketch a picture of you two with word bubbles. Yours can read, “Will you marry me?” This is a fun way for both of you to remember the proposal while bringing a twist to the traditional photograph of the proposal.

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3. Favorite Flashback
Does your loved one have a favorite movie or movie scene that she wishes would happen in real life? Well now is your chance! Steal from that famous “Say Anything” scene: Park yourself outside her house with a stereo blaring your favorite tune and propose on the front lawn. The idea is cheesy but she will never forget the day she experienced her favorite movie scene played out by her favorite leading man.

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4. Glow in the Dark

One idea most hopefuls haven’t thought of is glow in the dark stickers. Before she goes to bed, arrange glow in the dark stickers on the ceiling of her bedroom. Get into bed, turn the lights off and wait for the inevitable gasp. She will be surprised, since the ceiling is the last place she would look for a proposal, plus it is simple and in an intimate setting.

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5. Game Lover 

If you and your loved one enjoy traditional board games, you will enjoy this idea. Take out the scrabble board, make some hot cocoa, and bring out the blankets. Hide tiles for the words “Marry me” and in the last minute of the game, use them. She will be delightfully surprised and won’t care about whether or not she won because the real winners are the two of you.

Finding cute and meaningful ways to propose to your loved one is hard. Our ideas are simple but easy and will provide a memorable way for you to get engaged. Tell us your other creative proposal ideas!

-By Jennifer Jimenez